expression of interest


expression of interest 〰️

call out for a curator or creative producer


call out for a curator or creative producer 〰️

Are you the next Curator or Creative Producer to lead the next DIASPORAS iteration?

MAV is thrilled to present our previous DIASPORAS artists with an exciting new opportunity.

DIASPORAS is a program created by MAV for, by, and with creatives of colour. This initiative has always been about disrupting old systems and igniting diverse artists to create new works, new networks, and a new arts ecology. We have seen it transform into a powerful platform where creatives of colour can be their whole selves, speak truths, and make significant contributions to our arts community. 

This year, we are continuing to build on this foundation and are looking for a Curator/Creative Producer from the DIASPORAS circle to weave together the program’s narrative into a groundbreaking event or exhibition by the end of 2024. We envision a vibrant event that brings together performance, conversation, reconnection, and pride.

Please note, this invite is offered to previous DIASPORAS creative producers and artists only. For future commissioning opportunities with MAV, please see here, or check out the Avenues of Support page.


  • DIASPORAS is a program by MAV created for, by, and with BIPOC creatives. It aims to disrupt old systems and empower diverse artists to create new works, build networks, and evolve the arts ecology toward a more representative place.

    See Diasporas rationale here.

  • In its 2024 iteration, DIASPORAS aims to build on previous learnings by refining systems for artist support and community care. The focus is on commissioning a Curator/Creative Producer to weave together an exhibition that aligns with DIASPORAS' rationale and provocations and navigates community-building and cultural exchange. 

  • The Curator/Creative Producer will be selected from a closed pool of artists that have helped shape DIASPORAS across the past three years.

    These artists were initially selected based on their engagement in community leadership, narrative shaping, and fostering connections across diverse intersections of gender, sexuality, age, abilities, and capabilities.  

    The Curator/producer will craft a multi-artform exhibition/event that amplifies their own work and that of their BIPOC networks . 

  • The Curator will lead the creation of the exhibition by the end of 2024, designing a curatorial vision and process that resonates with the DIASPORAS' community of artists and audiences. They will propose a curatorial vision, manage budget allocations, design selection criteria and assessment, engage in artist liaison, and coordinate exhibition logistics in collaboration with MAV.

    The Curator is expected to spend around 10-12 hours per week on these tasks throughout 22 weeks.

    See Map of Roles and Responsibilities below.

  • The event is planned for the end of 2024, with dates pencilled for the end of October. It will take place in the City of Melbourne, with the Black Box venue at Arts Centre Melbourne being a potential location.

    Where feasible, we are also open to other City of Melbourne based venue suggestions that better suit the Curator’s vision. 

  • Mid-July to Early August:
    ✸ Begin planning and conceptualising exhibition
    ✸ Finalise venue selection
    ✸ Finalise budget allocation

    Mid-August to End of September:
    ✸ Develop curatorial vision.
    ✸ Selection and contracting of artists
    ✸ Finalise exhibition content
    ✸ Coordinate logistics with MAV

    ✸ Setup and installation of exhibition
    ✸ Conduct rehearsals if applicable
    ✸ Finalise marketing materials

    Late October:
    ✸ Event launch and public opening

    ✸ Exhibition concludes
    ✸ Dismantle artworks
    ✸ Wrap up financial and administrative tasks

    Early to mid-December:
    ✸ Prepare final reports or evaluations

    Please note that this timeline is proposed and can be adjusted according to the curator's preferences and project needs.

  • MAV provides substantial support including:

    ✸ A curator fee of $6,000 + Creative Producer fee of $6,000. Equalling to a total fee of $12,000 plus superannuation (11.5%) and work cover (2%).

    ✸ Support from MAV's Program Manager and Team for logistical support, venue liaison and project coordination.

    ✸ Access to a culturally diverse team of arts professionals and networks.

    MAV's office as a work and meeting space, equipped with essential resources such as computer and internet.

    MAV's network connections for partnerships and community engagement.

    ✸ If necessary, we can explore additional funding and sponsorship opportunities to support the project.

    ✸ A budget of $60,350.00 allocated for various project costs and assistance, including curator and artist fees, production costs and assistance.

    Proposed Allocation:
    Curator fees = $12,000
    Artist fees = $20,000
    Assistant Producer fee = $9,0000
    Production costs = $19,350

    Please note, superannuation and work cover will be paid in additional to the above proposed fees. Proposed production costs include venue hire, equipment hire and access costs etc...)

MAV commits to ensure the success and integrity of the DIASPORAS exhibition project with:

  1. Financial Transparency
    commits to transparently managing the allocated budget, adhering to financial guidelines, and providing clear documentation of expenditures. 

  2. Community Engagement

    MAV will facilitate community engagement efforts, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in all project phases, from artist selection to audience participation. 

  3. Cultural Safety and Respect

    MAV is committed to upholding cultural safety practices, respecting diverse perspectives, and ensuring that all artworks and narratives celebrate and reflect BIPOC excellence. 

  4. Timely Communication

    MAV promises open communication channels, promptly addressing inquiries, concerns, and feedback from the curator, artists, and community stakeholders.

  • You have the option to curate both existing and new artworks. Given our budget and timeline, we suggest focusing on existing pieces to ensure practicality and effective use of resources. However, the final decision depends on your vision and how well it aligns with DIASPORAS goals. 

  • To express interest, please propose the following information in an email: 

    ✸ An outline of your curatorial vision aligned with DIASPORAS rationale. 

    ✸ An outline of your selection process of artworks/artists. 

    ✸ Approach to inclusion and accessibility in arts experiences. 

    ✸ Preliminary Budget Outline 

    ✸ Timeline for exhibition milestones. 

    To facilitate the submission of your Expression of Interest (EOI), we offer flexibility in application formats to accommodate various communication preferences.

    You may choose to submit your EOI in formats such as video submissions, slides, documents, or any other method that best suits your communication style and accessibility needs. 

    Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) by 11.59PM 30 June 2024 to Theresa Angela at

How will my EOI be processed?

After you submit your Expression of Interest (EOI):

  1. MAV will review and acknowledge receipt of your application.

  2. Within one week of the EOI submission deadline, MAV will reach out to schedule a meeting to discuss the project in detail.

  3. This meeting will cover the following points listed below, and will include the CEO, Program Manager, and two BIPOC industry panellists (to be specified).

    a. An outline of your curatorial vision aligned with DIASPORAS rationale.
    b. An outline of your selection process of artworks/artists.
    c. Approach to inclusion and accessibility in arts experiences.
    d. Preliminary Budget Outline.
    e. Timeline for exhibition milestones.
    f. Your community leadership and engagement skills and experience.

    Additionally, we will address the topics outlined in your EOI:

    g. Venue logistics
    h. Tasks
    i. Funder’s requirements
    j. The MAV team’s capacity and support
    k. Communication and marketing strategies

  4. After the meeting, you will have one week to confirm your continued interest in the project.

  5. The panellists will select the Curator and extend formal offers based on the meeting outcomes and alignment with project goals, according to the selection criteria (to be determined). Candidates will be notified.

  6. We will negotiate the contract with selected curator to ensure transparency of responsibilities, limitations, timeline, budget, and other relevant matters.

  7. A project kick-off meeting will be scheduled to officially commence the project.

  • Cultural safety will be embedded throughout the application and project process by: 

    ✸ Prioritising transparency in all communications and decisions. 

    ✸ Ensuring a BIPOC lens is applied to all aspects of the project. 

    ✸ Making the application process simple and accessible. 

    ✸ Negotiating contracts transparently and covering all necessary points in a kick-off meeting. 

    ✸ Maintaining open communication to ensure safety and positive relationships. 

  • We aim to empower BIPOC artists, foster mutual understanding, and create meaningful connections that extend beyond the event. The exhibition will be a platform for underrepresented communities to showcase their experiences and contribute to a thriving arts ecology. 

Map of Responsibilities


  1. Delivery Deadline

    The exhibition or event must be delivered by the end of 2024, ideally by the end of November and early December 2024.'

  2. Budget

    The project must adhere to a specified budget. While the curator/creative producer has the freedom to allocate the available funds in a self-determined manner, MAV retains the final decision-making oversight. This is essential as MAV is accountable for the allocated budget and ensures responsible financial management throughout the project.

  3. Location

    The event must take place within the City of Melbourne across minimum two days.

  4. Alignment with Diasporas Rationale and Provocations

    The exhibition/ event must reflect the foundational pillars and provocations of DIASPORAS, contributing towards a legacy in the arts sector and strengthening the DIASPORAS community.

  5. Acknowledgement of MAV and funding body

    MAV’s support and involvement must be acknowledged appropriately in all promotional materials, documentation, and during the event itself. All promotional materials must also acknowledge the support of City of Melbourne, according to funding requirements. Requests may be made to invite key VIP personnel.

  6. Access to Documentation

    The curator will work with MAV’s Marketing and Communications team to determine a Grant of Licensing package containing documented photographic and video assets permitted for MAV to use as promotional material in the future.

  • If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Theresa or Noah if you have any specific questions, feedback or to book a time to catch up:

    Marketing Communications Manager:

    Digital Media Officer:

MAV’s Diasporas program, is supported by the City of Melbourne, Creative Victoria and Creative Australia.