Diasporas 2023
Dreamed into being during 2020, DIASPORAS is a MAV program intended to disrupt the dominant systems of working which often suffocate creatives of colour and our arts and culture sector.
DIASPORAS aims to platform and advocate for diverse & marginalised artists to create new work, new networks, sustainability in the arts and establish a new arts ecology.
What happens when you put FIVE unique cultures, SIX creative practices and walks of life in ONE space with the intention to CO-CREATE?
Gathering around shared rhythm, values and purpose, six Naarm-based, interdisciplinary and intergenerational artists of the diaspora weave their creative and cultural practices for the crafting of story and ceremony.

Setting the space for a place of coexistence, collaboration and collective movement VICKI KINAI (PNG), MZRIZK (Lebanon), KATHERINE GAILER (Colombia), JULIE ANN MINAAI (Japan/Hawaii), IRIHIPETI WARETINI (Aotearoa), and BELLA WARU (Aotearoa) presented the immersive art and performance experience, RESONANCE at the Melbourne Museum on Saturday, 22 July 2023.
Vicki Kinai
Irihipeti Waretini
Katherine Gailer
Bella Waru
Julie Ann Minaai
Tracing the journeys of their ancestors to the sacred Kulin lands they now call home, the artist team behind RESONANCE illuminate possible futures of potential, provision and connection.
RESONANCE emerged from MAV’s Diasporas program as supported by City of Melbourne, Creative Victoria and Australia Council for the Arts.