LONE by Nargis Alsakir

Poetic Documentary Film
Digital commission for Duniya Behter

Nargis has created a poetic video work about the loneliness of the pandemic. It is a way of reaching out to others who she knows must be out there, who went through similar things. This work is a vessel for communicating vulnerable, lived experiences that she hopes more people can be brave enough to talk about and be listened to with compassion and understanding.

Artist Statement:

“The opportunity offered by Duniya Behter was nothing (like) something I had been given before, and I immediately felt that it was a special project. Growing up in Australia as an ethnic child, we were never seen as special. We were always put to the side, but with Duniya Behter it feels like my voice, experiences and opinions really do matter and have value. I really enjoyed meeting new people and being able to open up after being very reserved for such a long time.” — Nargis Alsakir

About the artist:

Nargis Alsakir

Nargis Alsakir is a young Iraqi woman born and raised in Shepparton. She loves spoken word and the power it has to convey ideas and emotions by captivating audiences in ways that elude other forms of expression.

Nargis is also curious to explore the poetry of film and its potential to express ideas beyond still images, with recent experiments into abstract film, investigating its subjectivity and connection with spoken word.

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LONE by Nargis Alsakir was commissioned through MAV’s program Duniya Behter. Supported by the Victorian Government through the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities during Coronavirus (PRMC) program. Duniya Behter is delivered in partnership with Point of Difference Studios.